Live Online FREE Masterclass
Wednesday 15th of January
60 mins + 15 mins Q&A
11 AM EST | 4 PM London | 17 h Barcelona | 8 PM Dubai
Please email me the links to the Masterclass live stream, slides, and access to the post-event recording. I understand I may also receive exclusive tips. You can easily unsubscribe at any time :)
You find yourself fascinated by the intersection of human psychology and design
You are intrigued by the way subtle design choices can influence behaviour?
You want to be more "user-centred"
Want to create better experiences for your users or customers
Want to de-risk your design or marketing decisions
If so, sign up and start your journey into the world of Behaviour Design!
Know the 3 ingredients to ALL behaviour: Not just your users, but your clients and even yours.
Have a new framework: That you can share with your team to improve understanding and decision making.
Understand the behaviour design process: And see how it fits into your existing ways of working, bringing you a competitive advantage.
Gary van Broekhoven
Just been nominated as University “Master Teacher of the Year 2024”
Behaviour Designer, Consumer Psychologist, and University Lecturer, with an extensive portfolio with 200+ projects across various sectors, including toys, healthcare, finance, insurance and travel etc.
He has also worked for consultancies; Fjord/Accenture, IDEO and Designit/Wipro and also for brands such as; NASA, American Express, Disney and Virgin.
What is included when you sign up:
The Behaviour Design Framework: How behaviour Design fits neatly into your existing process and how it can add value to your business.
The 3 Ingredients to ALL human behaviour: It doesn't matter if they are a patient, user or a friend, here I'll show you that every behaviour can be broken down into 3 simple ingredients, and when you know that, it makes decision making and team alignment easier.
How I decide which behavioural persona to focus on: And how decisions can be validated and de-risked.
BONUS #1 - Behaviour Design Mini Guide: Our popular guide just had some new additions!
Value: €25
BONUS #2 - Live Q&A: Feel free to jump in and ask away!
Value: €75
BONUS #3 - Recording: Have all the content on tap.
Value: €100
BONUS #4 - Behavioural Persona Map: Break the out-dated persona maps and upgrade to a behavioural persona map. Our mural board comes with a video guide and is plug and play showing you which bits to prioritise in on your own projects.
Value: €150
All yours for FREE
The foundation of Behaviour Design
What it is and how it fits into your existing ways of working
Real world examples showing the difference it makes
A proven framework to decode ALL user behaviour that you can use immediately after the workshop!
In fact, it is so applicable that I have already absorbed the content and used it in a Design Sprint session with the team.
Decode Your Users Behaviour
“ It’s not what they drive that counts but what drives them.”
Gary van Broekhoven
What Drives Them
C/Valencia 127
Barcelona, 08011
garyvb @ what drives them . com
Monday - Friday
10am - 6 pm
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