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What People Are Saying About The Workshop

His GRAMS framework- a structured and rapid way of running and decoding user interviews has become the de facto standard within our office.

Simon - Experience Lead

I loved the training and it has changed my perspective on how I conduct interviews. It makes conversations run easy and you can get all the info you want. It’s definitely something I’ll use in my career.

Brandon - Freelance Digital Designer

Not only the content was very interesting and applicable, but the session itself had a super clear and engaging structure.

In fact, it is so applicable that I have already absorbed the content and used it in a Design Sprint session with the team.

Maite - Design Strategist

“ It’s not what they drive that counts but what drives them.”

Gary van Broekhoven

What Drives Them

C/Valencia 127

Barcelona, 08011


garyvb @ what drives them . com


Monday - Friday

10am - 6 pm

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