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What People Are Saying About The Course

I love the practical examples that the course exposed us to. Gary really touched a lot of things when explaining the course, the examples he gave us were awesome and I learnt a lot.

I liked that the theories are used in our daily life practise. The course was eye-opening regarding how marketing strategies strongly leverage the behaviours of the consumers, and it is really helpful.

Very interesting concepts that are important for us to understand consumer (and our own) psychology and behavioural patterns better. Gary focuses less on textual learning and more on class participation and discussions

Recalling my past knowledge about consumer behaviors and psychology lessons... now Gary matched them up, mixing all the materials to hit a bigger target in analysing how consumers react, purchase, and response from those aspects.

“ It’s not what they drive that counts but what drives them.”

Gary van Broekhoven

What Drives Them

C/Valencia 127

Barcelona, 08011


garyvb @ what drives them . com


Monday - Friday

10am - 6 pm

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